Purchase Water Futures here.

A collaborative effort

The book is a culmination of 5+ years of work, and hundreds of hours of collaborative effort, by many people, from various disciplines, professions and walks of life.

South-east Queensland Water Futures workshop

We held a charrette (or design workshop) in August 2016. This event—held over five days— brought together 171 professionals across 20 disciplines with three international facilitators. The initiative used collaborative design thinking to develop a framework to address water issues in the region.

Learn. Design. Adapt

We believe that through good design, we can make our communities more resilient to climate variations and the predicted increases in weather event frequencies and intensities. There is ample knowledge and experience in our region to tackle this challenge.
However, to truly influence water management in the greater Brisbane River catchment, we need a region-specific, integrated water blueprint that considers the ambitions and needs of all communities.

Purchase Water Futures here.

To learn more about flood management strategies, tailored to your region, please get in touch.

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