About the guide

The Flood Resilient Building Guidance for Queensland Homes is a joint initiative of the Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council, Ipswich City Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, Somerset Regional Council and Seqwater.
The guide is for building industry professionals, state and local authorities and residential property owners in flood prone areas throughout Queensland. Our insights included information about flood resilient design principles, strategies, construction details and materials.

The benefits of flood resilient design

A part of the guide is an analysis of the economic impact of flood resilient building. JDA Co. has long known that flood resilient design and construction can reduce the costs associated with flood damage repair and insurance premiums.
Investing in flood resilient strategies makes sound economic sense for property owners and government. The economic case for investing in flood resilient construction increases when the effects of future predicted climate changes are considered.

To learn more about flood resilient design for your region, please get in touch.

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