About the guide

The Gold Coast Flood Resilient Design Guideline provides homeowners with information and best-practice strategies to renovate or build new homes using flood resilient design to lessen ongoing costs, concern and inconvenience associated with flooding.

Understanding flood risk

The Gold Coast has approximately 94,000 000 hectares of mapped low, medium, high and very high flood risk areas. This means about 68 per cent of land is affected by flood risk, which exposes some 98,000 buildings and structures, including dwellings, at varying levels of flood risk.

The guide focuses on building residential resilience from riverine flooding and inundation from extreme tidal events. As the Gold Coast continues to grow and intensify, the guideline arms homeowners with steps to prepare and withstand flood events that may exceed past experiences.

Building Neighborhood resilience

Flood resilience allows homeowners to prepare for, live through and recover from flood events. Rebuilding after a flood event is a costly exercise. By changing the way we build in flood areas, using a resilient approach, some of these costs can be avoided or minimised in the future.

Click here to read the full guide or get in touch to learn more about flood resilient design for your region.

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